Ways to Give...
Every donation no matter how small is welcome and appreciated. All donations are tax deductible.
Your giving is a act of worship and makes possible the ministry of your church. It keeps the lights on, as well as, contributes to missions and ministry beginning in Hartwell and extending through out the entire world. There are many opportunities and means for you to contribute to the mission and ministry of your church.
All cash contributions need to be given in an envelope that is clearly marked with your name if you need tax deductible credit for the contribution.
Please make all checks out to HFMC and either place in the offering plates / baskets or mail to the church office. HFMC; 200 East Howell Street; Hartwell, GA 30643
Most banks allow customers to set up “bill pay’ through their checking accounts. The bank sends a check each month to the church at no charge to the church or individual.
ONE-TIME GIVING: To give online, use our secure website by pressing the blue button below. For debit and credit cards, a percentage of the gift will be charged to the church by the service provider. You may use this method as often as you wish or choose the "recurring" option to set up a recurring donation.
Please designate which fund you would like to place the memorial. Undesignated memorials will be applied to the Building Fund. Families will be notified of your donation.
If you require any assistance with donations, please call 706-376-3164 and speak to our financial secretary.