Children's Ministry
Here at Hartwell Methodist Church, it is our privilege to help each child discover God's unconditional love. While in our care, the safety and nurture of each child is our top priority. We value the opportunity to partner with parents as we travel together through each child's journey of faith. We hope that families will enjoy opportunities to worship, study and serve as part of the Body of Christ.
Ministry Areas:
Sunday morning: All children are welcome to attend any worship service with their families. During the 10 am service, Children's Church is offered for children in preschool through fifth grade. Nursery is available during the 10 am and 11 am service for infants through 3 years. in addition, staff and volunteers are excited to welcome each child to age appropriate environments throughout the morning.
Wednesday Night Wild: Children from ages 3 to Grade 5 are welcome to Wednesday evenings as we seek to discover a deeper understanding of God through fun and engaging programs. Children develop their understanding of faith and knowledge of worship through signing, studying, moving, fun and fellowship and are given opportunities to display God's love by leading worship.
Weekday preschool: Our preschool program serves the community as a half-day Christian based program providing a nurturing environment where children explore and learn about God's word while developing spiritually, socially, cognitively, physically and emotionally. We have classes for 2, 3 and 4 year old students.
Sunday School: A fun bible-centered learning hour for ages 3 - 5 Grade. Children are divided by grade levels into classrooms where they dive into lessons based on scripture. They engage in activities that broaden their understanding of the weeks teaching, where they are equipped to apply those lessons to everyday life.
Acolytes: The word acolyte comes from the Greek word akolouthos, meaning follower, helper or assistant. Acolytes carry into worship the light, processional cross, banners or Bible and assist the pastor with communion, baptism and other duties.
Children's Choir: An opportunity allowing children to find another way to worship a they grow in self confidence and stage presence. Children ages 3 - 10 will perform in several opportunities throughout the year to showcase their abilities and gifts.
Milestones: Milestones are significant marker along a child's journey of faith. while not every child follows the exact same steps, we seek to celebrate each milestone with your family.
Infant Baptism: We recognize that God's grace and love come before us; therefore we offer this sacrament and express our commitment to help nurture children in the faith.
Step-Up-Sunday: After completion of the Children's Program, children are recognized in front of the congregation, gifted a Bible and introduced to our Youth Program.